2008年6月22日 星期日

Directions for a meal

Tens years ago, I ran a circle from the living room to the kitchen. She kept singing'' Quick~my lovely lion head~I want to dig you into my stomach~"Oh...Geeee!!Lion head? It' s so scary!What's wrong with me? Was there a poor lion going to be decollated?

Nothing wrong, nothing happen. I would like to introduce my favorite meal to you! There was no lion to bee killed , and the dish is called ''Hong Shao lion head".

The ingredients and flavors were Chinese cabbage, 600g meat that had been wringed, a slice fo green onion , some peices of ginger, a spoon of salt, wine, sugar,flour.First, you have to put the meat into a bowl, and add the flavors I mentioned .

Beat them up in clockwise direction. Knead them into four balls, and place them into the pot , after an hour , you can taste your masterpiece.

At the moment you take it out, the wonderful smell and the fantastic looking storm into your nose and eyes. Once you eat them....oh the texture is unbelievable!

With a cool name, a delicious taste, Hong Shao lion head is definitely your best choice!

2008年6月15日 星期日

Two Classes

Four months ago, I was in 205 class. Time goes fly, now I am a part of 220 class. Do you know how does it happen? Do you want to know the differences between this and that?

In 205 class ,we had many science course. From biology to physics, it is definitely a challenging adventure to take. Since I didn't have many interests in the gospels of the nature, I turned to seek the romances of the nature.

In 220 class-Associate of Arts Degree-, we put more emphasis on Chinese, English and Social science. We trace back to the past, analysing the reason why the affair would happen- and moreover, we add some imaginations and love story to the battle station.

Despite the difference in the main idea of the class, the crew is also an obvious trait. The ratio of boys to girls is 5 to 3 in the class I used to stay, while now 220 class is 1 to 6! Don't ignore these study, it has many things to tell you!

The atmosphere is much active in the boy-occupied area, the girls and guys would laugh and play together , just like a flock of rascals; In 220 class, the classmates are more considerate and quiet . We are like the sisters , sharing everything with each other .

There are lots of characters in these two classes. And after many years , wherever I will be, I would always remember the memories we get through together. I do, I did, and I will.

2008年6月8日 星期日


"Jingle bells, jingle bells~~" This widespread Christmas song reminds everyone of the coming of Christmas Day. To me, this gay song always evokes memories of playing with a close friend in my childhood.

It was on a Christmas Day that we two first met each other. On that day, our new neighbor---her family, visited us. They also take their kid to our house. Her nickname is Kiki. She has cute curly hair, almond-shaped eyes, and a charming smile.I decorated the Christmas tree with her, and I found that she sings the songs pretty well. Kiki's favorite song is "Jingle bells", and so do I! We sang the song happily, and from that day , she became my best friend.
Kiki is just the type of girl that makes you want to be friends with her. We used to spend every day chatting, dreaming of being a princess.......We were at the same school , same class, and we two loved "Jingle bells"! We have a lot in common, and we thought we could be together forever.
However, it wasn't long until she moved to Taipei when we were 10. For nearly five years, I had the best memories . Time goes fly, now I still remember her name.Maybe after 20 years~or 40 years, I would forget her name, but in the bottom of my heart, there is still something sweet singing , just like a philomel.I am sure.

2008年4月6日 星期日

Two questions

How can we be more sensitive to the needs of those from different cultural backgrounds in our society?

Whether we have foreign friends or not now , we should gain more knowledge about different culture.For example, in Japan, giving the white envelope to the newly-married is normal; while in China and Taiwan is a very impolite behavior.

What prejudices do we have that could make trouble for the people around us?

Some of people may think the classmate whose grade is poor is a bad student, so they shouldn't play with them, they even contempt them! In my opinion, doing so is the funniest act.It will make you lose many opportunities to get to know some nice people.

2008年3月30日 星期日

The most precious thing in my room

As soon as entering my room, there are lots of little cute things poping into my eyes.Amoung all these cuties, the most precious thing to me is a bear doll called"bear bear Hsu".

Bear Bear Hsu is a gift from my aunt Liz. There is always a lovely smile on his face, and its color is gray.Frankly speaking, it is not as elegant as my other expensive toys.But when I feel sad and disappointed, I always hold the bear tight like I did in my childhood. It's this little, ordinary-looking doll that has been keeping me company through every spring, summer, fall and winter.

He is like a sib I've never had. I am 17 years old now . After a year, I will be a freshman, I will leave my bed of roses and bet on everything in the future on my own, and I am sure I won't take my doll bear to sleep with me anymore . But in the bottom of my heart, Bear Bear Hsu is always a symbol of love and support from my family. Always considerate, and warm.

2008年3月29日 星期六

COMMENTARY:Racy pictures stir up questions of legality

In recent years, there have been a bunch of unflattering personal pictures spreading over the Internet.It is getting worse with the ubiquity of digital cameras. It's time to take some practical actions.

In my opinion, we should push the government to set some strict censorships. In the Internet world, we need the privacy as well. In this situation, I don't want to discuss whether Edison chen is right or not, I was wondering: Who is it that let the unflaattering pictures spread like wildfire?

It is everyone that let the thing gets worse.We are the peeper.We don't respect other's privacy. This matter is just a tip of the iceberg. If we keep ignoring the importance of censorship and esteem like we did before, more and more victims will come up.It did, it does, and it will.

2008年3月9日 星期日

People are happier than ever

People are happier than ever?Oops,I don't think so. Are you used to watch news and read the newspaper? Did you find the amount of people who had melancholia is increasing? I am sure you did. But how could it happen?

One reason is Capitalism. It's The Industrial Revolution leads to Capitalism. As Capitalism spreads around the world, more and more fashion brands are springing up: CHANEL, COACH, ROLEX......these hot things are here to irritate you to buy their product not for necessity but for a desire. We crave more money to buy all this stuff, and we do decorate ourselves in vouge.We are on the edge of time, enjoying the admiration from others. It seems our sense of achivement is from others. That is really pathetic!

In the past, people led a ordinary, leisurable lives. Maybe most of them were not very rich, they don't have to be controlled by the timing. After work, they could just lounge a tree , appreciating the beauty of this world. They have much more connection with the nature. They lived on the Mother Nature, and they passed away in her embosom.

Time flies, and we are flying too. Rushing to work, rushing to survive, and then rushing to death. Recently here comes "Healthy Slow Movement" .It advocates that we should slow down and stop to smell the fragrance of the rose. Taking our sweet time is the best policy !

There are still a lot of modern disease . Luckily, human is famous for the intelligense.I am sure we will go though this difficulties and unhappiness. After all, we don't want to be a refugee in the 21th century!

A refugee in the 21st century!!!