2008年3月30日 星期日

The most precious thing in my room

As soon as entering my room, there are lots of little cute things poping into my eyes.Amoung all these cuties, the most precious thing to me is a bear doll called"bear bear Hsu".

Bear Bear Hsu is a gift from my aunt Liz. There is always a lovely smile on his face, and its color is gray.Frankly speaking, it is not as elegant as my other expensive toys.But when I feel sad and disappointed, I always hold the bear tight like I did in my childhood. It's this little, ordinary-looking doll that has been keeping me company through every spring, summer, fall and winter.

He is like a sib I've never had. I am 17 years old now . After a year, I will be a freshman, I will leave my bed of roses and bet on everything in the future on my own, and I am sure I won't take my doll bear to sleep with me anymore . But in the bottom of my heart, Bear Bear Hsu is always a symbol of love and support from my family. Always considerate, and warm.
