2008年3月9日 星期日

People are happier than ever

People are happier than ever?Oops,I don't think so. Are you used to watch news and read the newspaper? Did you find the amount of people who had melancholia is increasing? I am sure you did. But how could it happen?

One reason is Capitalism. It's The Industrial Revolution leads to Capitalism. As Capitalism spreads around the world, more and more fashion brands are springing up: CHANEL, COACH, ROLEX......these hot things are here to irritate you to buy their product not for necessity but for a desire. We crave more money to buy all this stuff, and we do decorate ourselves in vouge.We are on the edge of time, enjoying the admiration from others. It seems our sense of achivement is from others. That is really pathetic!

In the past, people led a ordinary, leisurable lives. Maybe most of them were not very rich, they don't have to be controlled by the timing. After work, they could just lounge a tree , appreciating the beauty of this world. They have much more connection with the nature. They lived on the Mother Nature, and they passed away in her embosom.

Time flies, and we are flying too. Rushing to work, rushing to survive, and then rushing to death. Recently here comes "Healthy Slow Movement" .It advocates that we should slow down and stop to smell the fragrance of the rose. Taking our sweet time is the best policy !

There are still a lot of modern disease . Luckily, human is famous for the intelligense.I am sure we will go though this difficulties and unhappiness. After all, we don't want to be a refugee in the 21th century!

A refugee in the 21st century!!!
