2008年6月15日 星期日

Two Classes

Four months ago, I was in 205 class. Time goes fly, now I am a part of 220 class. Do you know how does it happen? Do you want to know the differences between this and that?

In 205 class ,we had many science course. From biology to physics, it is definitely a challenging adventure to take. Since I didn't have many interests in the gospels of the nature, I turned to seek the romances of the nature.

In 220 class-Associate of Arts Degree-, we put more emphasis on Chinese, English and Social science. We trace back to the past, analysing the reason why the affair would happen- and moreover, we add some imaginations and love story to the battle station.

Despite the difference in the main idea of the class, the crew is also an obvious trait. The ratio of boys to girls is 5 to 3 in the class I used to stay, while now 220 class is 1 to 6! Don't ignore these study, it has many things to tell you!

The atmosphere is much active in the boy-occupied area, the girls and guys would laugh and play together , just like a flock of rascals; In 220 class, the classmates are more considerate and quiet . We are like the sisters , sharing everything with each other .

There are lots of characters in these two classes. And after many years , wherever I will be, I would always remember the memories we get through together. I do, I did, and I will.
