2008年2月24日 星期日

My Winter Vacation~~

After an exhausting final exam, the wonderful winter vacation is 'round the corner^^!! But now I am at school writing this article, because the vacation was over=3=

Well~~let's see how relaxing 20 days ago~~

I went to Kao Shong with my mom first, I miss my grandpa and grandma so much!!My grandma, as usual, cooked so many dazzling dishes!I devoured samon, spagetti, puding......That's why I will gain 2 kilometer in only three days! While my grandpa isn't good at cooking, he liked to share his cold jokes with us= = He doesn't fit in the sterotype of the old, He is so humorous that everyone loves to chat with him. My grandpa is a writer, he is knowledgeable about THE DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER in particuler. This winter, he even wrote the poems from that novel in calligraphy for me!

This winter, of course, I can not miss the new year!! I devoured again, played firecrackers, and received red envelopes!!!! I got to buy CDs , books.......and of course!!Seeing a lot of good movies!!With whom?? It's between you and me^^

"A Little Rest Goes A Long Way.'' With this little rest and confidence , I am sure I got enough potential to greet the new semester , and I hope I will get along with my new classmates as soon as possible .

Looking back , life is always like taking photographs , I will always say "cheese'' for every shot^^


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